Become YDA Ambassador

Youth in Digital Awareness is an initiative working to bring the youth on a single platform to make digital space a better place.

Join our community and be a part of young change-makers in the digital world.

Be A YDA Ambassador

Youth in Digital Awareness – YDA is an initiative of MAPS a youth Led organization with the partnership of various other organizations that are working to bring the youth on a single platform to make digital space of this world a better place. Join our community and be a part of young change-makers in the digital world.

What we expect from you?

  • You should be able to passionately explain how you want to make digital awareness in your area/country.
  • You should be able to explain your biography and experience in your social engagements.
  • We are looking to find a diverse group of people with different experiences, ideas, and backgrounds


  • Certificate of Youth in Digital Awareness – YDA Ambassador
  • A chance to represent your area/country in Summit/Seminar/Events
  • Meet inspirational and like-minded leaders/youth
  • Make worldwide connections in the Connect.

Apply Now!